Well, time to get ready for the Baja Bash for the second time. This time, I have better engines and a little more experience with some heavier downwind sailing. I’m looking forward to Fajita Banana again.

I’m happy to report I have a full crew for all the legs from San Francisco through to Cabo. There is also enough crew to get from Cabo to Puerto Vallarta; one spot left though!

The schedule

I plan on leaving San Francisco on October 15, sailing through the night and arriving in Morro Bay on the 16th. I’ll spend a week in Morro Bay, then leave on Friday October 21st for the final plug down to San Diego. I’ll be working in San Diego the week of the 24th, and planning on joining the HaHa on the 29th.

We should get into Cabo on November 10th, and are planning on leaving Cabo as soon as we can -- probably November 11th or 12th -- once we reprovision, heading for El Cid in Mazatlan. We’ll spend a week there, then sail south to Puerto Vallarta, probably on November 19-20.

I’m flying back on November 24th, spending Thanksgiving in San Francisco, and then planning a few trips down in December to get some boat work completed.